Dataset Deployments with pbi-tools, 2nd Preview

Dowload the Preview - CLI: 1.0.0-rc.2+20220703- Docker: 1.0.0-rc.2_20220703 Tip: A recording demonstrating the new features in this preview is available on YouTube, courtesy of Artur König. New Features #147 Refresh logs...

Introducing Dataset Deployments with pbi-tools (Preview)

Overview: Features available in the preview Use the new Dataset mode in a deployment manifest to deploy a tabular dataset to a XMLA endpoint (only Power BI Premium/PPU supported at this point). Folder (PbixProj) and File (.bim) sources are allowed. Dataset refresh can be enabled to...

pbi-tools v1.0.0-beta.7 Released

The 1.0.0-beta.7 release of the pbi-tools CLI is now available at Release Notes pbi-tools Core Edition The previous releases of pbi-tools were limited in that the tool needed to run alongside Power BI Desktop, hence in an interactive environment. That...

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